The Devil May Cry series has always had a strong musical sensibility – and the fans love the music throughout the series. After following the rich musical history of the series, we decided serving the integrity of the franchise was of utmost importance. We were brought on to compose the themes for Dante (“Subhuman”), the new character V (“Crimson Cloud”), and to arrange, orchestrate, and record some of the themes in the game, including “Legacy.”
The songs implored an intricate music system designed and implemented to carefully adapt to player feedback, specifically the combat style system created by CAPCOM. The songs were layered so densely that they could dynamical shift between genres and in arrangement.
We were fortunate to collaborate with a myriad of talented collaborators on the project, including Michael Barr of Volumes, Suicide Silence, Rachel Fannan, and music mixer Mark Needham to name a few.
The 134-track soundtrack for Devil May Cry 5 is available on Spotify and all other DSPs and was printed on a 4X LP, 2X LP, and single LP by Laced Records.